Saturday, April 26, 2014



I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life. –John 25:24 NIV
In preparation for Easter, flowers are blooming everywhere. It seems that Mother Nature does her part to herald spring by putting forth blossoms everywhere to celebrate new life. Garden centers are well-stocked with flowers in all colors for the home gardener that decorates their landscape with blooms, here and there. Florists will work overtime to deliver bouquets for the Easter dinner centerpiece. In my family, I have always tried to have something pretty blooming by my front door on Easter Sunday. Over the years that little tradition has meant different things. When my children were young, they thought we were sweeping up and planting flowers to get ready for the Easter Bunny! That was one way of getting the kids to help with gardening! Now, it is a spring ritual to put on our best face to the outside world with a flower or two and maybe even a fresh doormat.
When I see the life of my children evolve into adulthood, I think of watching a flower develop from a little sprout and then grow into a full fledged blossom in all its brilliance.  No two flowers are alike and my children are similar, yet different.  That is God’s Hand in each of their lives, shaping and molding them to be unique individuals. I have seen them struggle with things and questions about which path to take in life. I view them with a mother’s prideful heart. Wanting to step in and help them at times, but realizing if I did so, it could hurt them in the long run. But we know that God has a Plan for each of them, including falling back on the love given by parents that are there to support and love them through it all.
I think that God views us much the same way. He is our Heavenly Father and we, His Children. He loves us no matter what. He proved that when He sent His Son, Jesus to die for us on the cross and give us Eternal Life.  For years, I think I didn’t understand Easter. I couldn’t see past the crown of thorns and the pain that Jesus suffered. There was such a sadness over Easter and as a child I knew it wasn’t equal to the happy time I felt at Christmas.  It was years later that I understood that Easter not only stood for Resurrection but also for Restoration. A time for Promise and Joy! Now, I look to Easter as an anniversary to renew myself and to be grateful for this wonderful Eternal Gift. Like a blossom that unfolds in stages, old thoughts have given way to new wisdom, vision and new ways of understanding.  Maybe Christmas and Easter are more alike that we realize where we could proclaim, “Joy to the World” on both occasions.

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