Tuesday, February 24, 2015


(Photograph by Martin Glass)


Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.  Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3: 15-17

There are some people that like snow and some that do not. I happen to love it! The excitement and frenzy at the grocery store to stock up, to fill the gas tank of the car and to check the birdfeeders are all part of my pre-snow routine. Snow doesn’t come often, particularly to these parts, but when it does, it is memorable for young and old. A fresh blanket of snow on ordinary things makes them look extraordinary. Traffic slows and school and work stops. It’s a time to make that special soup, bring in the firewood and enjoy the beauty of the white scenery through the windows. There will be plenty of time for shoveling and scraping later, but for a moment or two, the snow makes us stop long enough to feel the peace that surrounds us. It’s like everything has been put on hold, if only briefly.

Sometimes we need something out of our control to make us stop our busy lives long enough to renew and reflect on our journey. It may be something as simple as a snowy day that gives us this time and causes us to lessen our pace. I notice that when snow is in the forecast, everyone seems friendlier, neighbors look out for one another and there is an overall sense of community spirit. Everyday can be like this. Living in peace with one another is a good place to be. God’s peace dwells within us and we just have to tap into this gift to enhance our lives and those around us. Like a blanket of snow that envelops everything in its path, God’s promise of peace fills and embraces us, if we allow it.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Doing Right

Doing Right

So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin. James 4:17

Each day we are given opportunities and free will to choose which road to take in our lives. We may want to cut a few corners when no one is looking. We think about putting ourselves first over others’ needs. Yesterday it was raining and I had to cut my dogs’ walk short for the sake of both of us getting soaked. But he knew he was shortchanged. He stared me down and if a dog can give its’ master a scowl, I got one! I have heard it said before and I chuckle at the thought: my goal in life is to be as good of a person my dog already thinks I am. There is some truth to this!!

Are you a person that others expect the best from, always trying to do right? Or are you that person that is known for lazy half-heartedness? But to go even further, if you are doing right to the best of your ability, but don’t have a loving attitude about it, there is no joy reaching heaven. The sweetness of a heart full of love for others, joined with a willingness to do the right thing, is a blessing to everyone. Aren’t we drawn to people like that? We study them, trying to learn from them and emulate their kind actions.  Well, you may say, “so many people do the right thing and they don’t seem to gain a thing by doing it”. But what we may miss would be the peace and joy that lives on the inside of a that person. Their riches are not measured by the things they have built or stored but by the lives they have touched. Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” Philippians 2:3

Wednesday, February 11, 2015



The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.  2 Corinthians 9:6. 

What are you expecting in life? Take a moment and explore that thought. Little children don’t understand limits. They are invincible and think they can do anything. School children are impressionable, and while dealing with peer pressure too, their dreams and expectations can be influenced. Young adults get a taste of real life. Working jobs, keeping a marriage healthy, balancing finances and caring for their youngsters. They have dreams but it is often hard to resist comparing themselves to their friends and co-workers. Middle agers may become caregivers for their parents and grandchildren and find little time for their own dreams. And then seniors start talking in terms of “how many more good years they have left”.  

Not everybody reacts in these ways, but it happens. If any of this describes you, be assured God placed dreams in your heart the day you were born. He planted them there. You just have to believe that there are seeds of greatness on the inside of you and set your expectations to align with God’s Word.

My grandfather loved gardening. He planted a beautiful flower, cockscomb, from seeds and they were the talk of the Garden Club and the neighborhood. Everyone had to stop by and admire the fruits of his labor. When I used these flowers in arrangements in the Jr. Garden Club, I received many first place ribbons. Imagine my delight when I found a little manila envelope recently, tucked in one of his books, that contained seeds from those flowers! Over 50 years old! Thank you granddaddy!  I am going to plant some of those seeds this week with great expectation and I will keep you posted.  The message is this: it is never too late to nurture those seeds of greatness and to dream the dreams instilled in us. Just believe and have expectations of good things. Even when setbacks occur, and they will, keep moving forward. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015



My son, do not despise the Lord's discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in. Proverbs 3:11-12

As a southern born and bred woman, I have always put importance on manners. My children will tell you that they were disciplined to be polite, appreciative, grateful and respectful no matter what the occasion.  They are now respectable and respected adults today and for that I am grateful.

Now, while looking after my grandson, we are learning about manners too. It’s a new generation, living in different times, but some things don’t change and that is to respect others as well as yourself. He is learning the simple manners. Very basic. Saying “please” and “thank you”, sharing, not crying or throwing a tantrum when things don’t go his way. Then, napkins in laps, saying grace before a meal and saying “thank you” afterwards. This is a work in progress!!!

Yesterday, my grandson and I were lunching at a restaurant. Things started out well until the little one decided to shake his cup full of milk which was about to explode. I intercepted, and he let everyone in the restaurant know how unhappy he was that I took his cup away. Oh, he has quite a loud cry when he wants his way. Given that he is only two and a half years old gets him a little leeway, but not much…manners can be taught at any age, and sooner the better. We took a quick little walk outside the restaurant and I firmly told him that there was a better way to behave. That his milk might have spilled on the floor or gotten on the other people. The crying stopped, we walked back in, hand in hand, happy and ready for a good lunch. He understood firmly, but with love, that his actions were not acceptable. Sometimes, discipline is simply redirecting with an explanation of what is expected.  I have more patience now as a grandmother than I did as a mother. I don’t know how I managed back then and am glad I can’t remember!! My praise to parents everywhere for the hard work it takes to raise godly children in a fallen world.  And this grandmother is certainly trying her best!

God uses discipline to teach us. And it is said that discipline is the evidence of love. Setting boundaries for our children because we love them is exactly what God does for us. Enduring difficult times and hardships are things we should consider as possible discipline from God. What parent does not discipline his child and God is our Heavenly Father. Our nature is to rebel against boundaries that don’t suit us or that we don’t agree with. But often times, there is a bigger picture. If we allow it, God is constantly shaping us, molding us. And yes, disciplining us too. And that is how we can have a fruitful, faithful life living within God’s boundaries and expectations.