Wednesday, February 11, 2015



The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.  2 Corinthians 9:6. 

What are you expecting in life? Take a moment and explore that thought. Little children don’t understand limits. They are invincible and think they can do anything. School children are impressionable, and while dealing with peer pressure too, their dreams and expectations can be influenced. Young adults get a taste of real life. Working jobs, keeping a marriage healthy, balancing finances and caring for their youngsters. They have dreams but it is often hard to resist comparing themselves to their friends and co-workers. Middle agers may become caregivers for their parents and grandchildren and find little time for their own dreams. And then seniors start talking in terms of “how many more good years they have left”.  

Not everybody reacts in these ways, but it happens. If any of this describes you, be assured God placed dreams in your heart the day you were born. He planted them there. You just have to believe that there are seeds of greatness on the inside of you and set your expectations to align with God’s Word.

My grandfather loved gardening. He planted a beautiful flower, cockscomb, from seeds and they were the talk of the Garden Club and the neighborhood. Everyone had to stop by and admire the fruits of his labor. When I used these flowers in arrangements in the Jr. Garden Club, I received many first place ribbons. Imagine my delight when I found a little manila envelope recently, tucked in one of his books, that contained seeds from those flowers! Over 50 years old! Thank you granddaddy!  I am going to plant some of those seeds this week with great expectation and I will keep you posted.  The message is this: it is never too late to nurture those seeds of greatness and to dream the dreams instilled in us. Just believe and have expectations of good things. Even when setbacks occur, and they will, keep moving forward. 

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