Wednesday, October 23, 2013



O send out Your light and Your truth, let them lead me; let them bring me to Your holy hill and to Your dwelling. –Psalm 43:3
The beach has been such a part of my life since I was a child. It made sense that I would share my love of the beach with my own children. They were influenced by me and both of our children love everything to do with the beach today. I enjoy seeing parents taking their children to the beach for the first time or out on the pier with their first rod and reel. Little children want to emulate their parents. We don’t have to tell them what to do as much as we must show them by our actions and live a life that would make them want to follow. When our actions and words surround them, that is called “influence”. We each have the power to influence anyone.  It is a mighty thing to know that something we can say or do could shape another person’s life, choices and decisions.
Using our influence in a subtle way is far better than actually telling someone what to do. To be told what to do can often be received as unsolicited advice, unappreciated wisdom, and just plain interference. To have success in this area, we must realize that our actions carry more weight than our words.
How are we using our influence in our everyday life? Who do we look up to? Who looks up to us?  Everything that we say and do reflects our character which reflects our relationship with God. If we are using the gift of influence to guide others, we must pray that it is God’s Light and His Truth leading us to lead others.

Saturday, October 19, 2013


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This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
–Psalm 118:24 NIV
More than once, I have found myself leaning against a sand fence and thoughtfully staring at the ocean into the distance. I wonder if there was someone on the other side staring back at me with a heart full of hopes and dreams, too! It is a great past time to wonder what lies beyond what our natural eye can see.  At times I wish I could see supernaturally for what is coming next week, next month or next year. But, God knows best when He limits our vision to the “here and now”. When I was a child, my friends and I wished our life away, as though we were in an anxious race to mark time quickly, so we can become adults. Only to become adults, and long for the carefree days of our youth again! How foolish we were!
The Bible teaches us to not worry or have fear about His Provision. We aren’t to worry about tomorrow, just live in today. Worry can’t accomplish anything. In fact, worry is actually a sin. It cancels out our prayers.   We are to trust God for His blessings and favor.  It is a blessing to just being able to live and enjoy each day in contentment without fear or anxiety. He provides for us in all ways, each day. God brought this message to me another way this week. As I was going about the house, I was humming a hymn. Finally I paid attention to the song He put in my heart. It was “Great Is Thy Faitfulness”. The refrain says it all:
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013



Reflections by the Sea © Betsy Ore GlassInline image 1

Though it is the smallest of all your seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and perch in its branches. -Matthew 13:32 NIV

One definition for the word “autumn” is reaching maturity. Autumn is the time of year when the harvest comes in. The seeds planted in spring are ready to be harvested now. If summer droughts and disease didn't affect the plants and they made it through, then the harvest is to be celebrated. From just a tiny seed, so much is provided. This is a fun time of year to go to the various produce stands to see the pumpkin patch's, fruits, nuts and Indian corn. We have enjoyed decorating our home with a wreath of colorful fall leaves, nuts and acorns and miniature pumpkins. Each year when my children were little, we went to the country fields to walk the rows of pumpkins so they could each find their special one. We still laugh at the time I brought home a 75 pound pumpkin and had to strap it in the front seat with the seatbelt! Our front porch was always decorated with pumpkins, pots of mums and that handmade wreath. We even hung a cluster of Indian corn with a ribbon to the mailbox.

In our spiritual life, we can also enjoy the benefits of a harvest. But we do have to plant seeds first. So how do you do that? First it is the prayer of salvation that invites God into our heart. Making Jesus our Lord and Savior. Then it is reading the Bible to learn how to apply the principles to our life. Did you know the Bible will talk to us about how to have relationships, how to raise our children, how to be a light in the darkness? Probably the greatest thing any of us can do to strengthen our bond with God is to meet Him each day in prayer. Hopefully we should have a hunger and thirst for Him. Making time to do this is also an act of obedience and it is good discipline. It is as though we are showing up each day for our assignment from God. We can ask Him to mold and shape our day so that it glorifies Him.

Praying is like planting seeds. We know if we have done the work, the harvest will come. We know that in our prayer life, the harvest is when our prayers are answered with a solution or wisdom for being able to cope. Sometimes before we can plant seeds, we have to plow up the soil and amend it. The soil may not be good and if so, nothing will grow. That applies to us spiritually as well. Forgiveness and bitterness have to be pulled out by the roots. They are weeds in our garden. Letting go of anger and disappointment too. Again, more weeds. Only when the weeds are gone, and the soil is right can we plant our seeds with confidence. A harvest awaits us if we are willing to do the work. That is how we can begin to walk in spiritual maturity.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Finding Peace

Finding Peace

Let me hear what God the Lord will speak, for He will speak peace to His people, to His saints; but let them not turn back to folly. -Psalm 85:8 ESV

October is here again!! Seems that these seasons are coming too fast! Pumpkins, fall colors, and cooler weather all adds up to the essence of “fall”. I have never known a month that I loved more than October at the beach. When we were youngsters and Daddy bought the new little beach box beside the ocean, I remember we could throw open all the windows and have a fabulous breeze blow through the house. Our deck was the perfect place for seeing shooting stars.  We slept with the windows open and could hear the waves tumble to the shore. The woolen blankets would feel damp by morning with the salt air pouring in. Hot chocolate never tasted so good in the mornings to take away the chill.  We always woke up with great expectations of good things each day because the beach never disappointed us. Even the rainy days were wonderful. Things were simpler then in the 60’s and we didn’t require so much stimulation to be happy like it is today. Building sandcastles, playing cards, putting together a puzzle with the family are wonderful memories that still carry me through. Now I see families playing with their cell phones over a meal in a restaurant. They aren’t talking to each other. Children can’t look out the windows on a car ride but instead have videos and movies they watch until their eyes glaze over.  Television must be on at all times to “provide company”. No one seems to like to be still and quiet.

God’s Peace can be found in those still and quiet times. But to the young generation, there doesn’t seem to be a value in quiet silence. I think it may be looked upon as a punishment to sit still and certainly silence can be so boring or so I have been told!! With so many conveniences and electronics available to make life easier, it appears we are busier than ever.  How much can we cram into one day? And at the days end, do we fall asleep in peace or are our minds rehearsing what we will do tomorrow? I suggest it is the latter.

October is such a beautiful time to be outdoors. Turn the phone off. Take a walk. Sit on the porch. Walk the beach. Spend time to remember what a peaceful mind and heart feels like. Rediscover the sweet sound of nature and your own heartbeat. When we are quiet, God is then allowed to speak to us. He drops ideas into our minds. He plants seeds on the inside of us so we can dream big. Fill the void with Him and everything else will fall into place. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you. –Philippians 4:9 ESV