Thursday, February 20, 2014



Jesus replied, "What is impossible with men is possible with God."

Luke 18:27 NIV


What I love so much about being at the beach is the unobstructed view of the sky. For miles it can be seen. When frontal systems and storms approach the area, they change the look of the overhead landscape. It’s probably my imagination, but sunrises and sunsets seem to linger longer in the expansive sky.  An atmosphere full of clouds is worth taking notice of. And so is a sky without a cloud in it. Both are breathtaking. I once rode in a hot air balloon. What I expected to hear were rushing winds as we navigated through the currents. But, to my surprise and serene delight, there was no sound at all, except for my breathing. We soared above the birds. There was no wind in our face as we lazily drifted along for over an hour. We could see for miles all around us. It was truly a bird’s eye view. Noise from the city below couldn’t be heard either. I couldn’t imagine that we had enlarged our vision and found such unexpected peace at the same time.


We get stuck in routines and the same old mindsets sometimes. It is good to take a close look at our life and see if we have become everything we had hoped for and more. Sometimes our dreams are not big enough. We like to limit God in what He can offer us based on what we know. But, God is all knowing and all seeing. He has plans for us and if we allow Him to work in our life, we can do more, have more and experience more because of Him.  We can live a life of joy and happiness and enjoy the rewards in life.  But first, we should be willing to expand our thinking and be willing to put our life in His hands. Today is a good time to open our minds and hearts to all kinds of possibilities that await us. Forget that voice that tells us all the reasons why something won’t work. It is God’s promises and vision that we seek for an “enlarged” life.

Thursday, February 6, 2014






…for anyone who enters God's rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his. –Hebrews 4:10 NIV


Winter is definitely here.  Cold fronts come through with strong winds that ruffle the water, bend the sea oats and cause the gulls to tuck their heads down into their chest.  Summer clothes get pushed to the far side of the closet and long sleeves shirts and bulky sweaters replace them. There are some people that even leave the beach during winter for warmer climates in the south. Seems everything takes a break. Grasses and flowers go dormant, birds hunker down in their nests, and blowing sand covers steps and walkways to the beach. At first glance, it can be considered a dreary time, but I don’t see it that way at all. Especially when the basil seeds sprouted this week in my makeshift greenhouse in the kitchen window. It is great to see new life spring forth.


Winter is a time to replenish, renew and rest. It is a time to appreciate the beach, too. While nature takes a nap, we can still walk the beach or walk to the end of a pier and feel the wind at sunrise. A hot cup of coffee or cocoa warms the spirit anytime. Reading a book by the fire wrapped in a warm throw can keep the mind active. Seafood chowder and buttery cornbread tastes like a feast for dinner on a cold evening.  There is something to do each day.


Winter can be a solitary time and that is good for our spirit to be by ourselves with little distraction. God is always there and in the quiet moments of life, we tend to hear Him more clearly. He drops in ideas and thoughts to our minds and hearts. We have all winter for them to take root on the inside of us.  Winter is the time to plan the garden of our life, for spring will be here soon enough and we must cultivate our hopes and dreams so they can grow into full harvest. These cold days are times to actively seek God’s Presence and His Voice for our life. He is our Counselor in all things. Entering into God’s Rest prepares us to receive what He has for us next.