Thursday, March 21, 2013

Reflections by the Sea © Betsy Glass
March 21, 2013

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13 NIVPalm Sunday begins the start of Holy Week. Many denominations observe this as a particularly spiritual and religious week to include Maundy Thursday and Good Friday leading up to Easter. The observance of this week retraces the steps of Jesus as He journeyed to the cross, was crucified and rose again. It is also a week that we can devote time to renewing our faith. We can follow Jesus’s steps in the Bible in preparation for the joy knowing that “He Lives”. Jesus set out each day in His life seeking wisdom and guidance from His Father in prayer and conversation. He was prepared for what may come because He was full of faith and assurance that He did not walk alone. Over 2000 years later, it is amazing and a blessing that we can seek God in freedom and can do so freely without condemnation in the current world we live in. Preparing our day often means that we hit the floor running about, doing our errands, racing to work, full steam ahead. Only when our own power gives out do we realize we can do nothing on our own. And that is when many of us seek God. And sadly we only go to Him as a last resort when we are out of resources, ideas, energy and time. That isn’t the way it should be. We are open vessels for God to pour into us what we need. He knows everything and knows our needs. If it is increased faith, peace, wisdom, protection, He has unlimited supply to give us. Yet, we are to be the Initiators. We can talk to God; pray His Promises back to Him with confidence knowing He is the solution to everything. As we prepare for Holy Week observances, we can begin to prepare our days with God as our compass. When I talk to God, it helps me if I visualize that just the two of us are sitting together on a beach. Everything else is silent, my heart is open and receptive and I in resting in the shadow of His Presence.

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