Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Reflections by the Sea © Betsy Ore Glass
May 28, 2008

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. – Hebrews ll:1 NIV

When my husbands’ work moved us from Texas to Florida a few months ago, it was hard to say goodbye to our home and friends. But God knows best and we set off for our new adventure, but not before finding a good home for my treasured plants. My favorite flower of all is the hydrangea. I managed to have two beautiful potted little plants that I had nurtured in my garage over the winter. I wasn’t sure if they would make it to spring, but I was hopeful. Small leaf buds were forming on the leggy branches before we left, so I decided to give them to our neighbors. They cared for them as well and when the first sign of spring came, they told me they planted them in a special place in their backyard and named it “Betsy’s Garden”. How touching. So sweet. They told me that by Mother’s Day recently, the hydrangeas were in full bloom!

Settling in our new surroundings in south Florida, we were told that hydrangeas simply don’t make it in this tropical, humid heat. But I had faith. I purchased a beautiful blooming hydrangea plant at Easter time and brought it home to enjoy indoors. Once the blooms were spent, I thought I would plant it in a roomy pot with the right soil and fertilizer and place it in a shady spot on my back patio to see what would happen. For a few months it just looked the same. No new growth and it seemed the insects has discovered it and were enjoying the leaves. But I still watered it daily and kept it out of the hot sun and smiled every time I walked passed it. I didn’t give up. A few weeks ago new growth appeared, the pale green leaves began to unfold. Then, yesterday, I noticed the crown of buds. Yes, it appears my hydrangea will bloom soon. I didn’t give up hope and belief that something good was coming!

There are many things in my life that I am believing God for. We are not to have weak faith. We are not to be faint of heart. What we pray for may not always make perfect sense, just like believing for a shady plant to thrive in an unfamiliar, hot climate. But all things are possible with God and His Promises are available to us if we have faith and believe. I have had to examine my own faith over time. I realized there were times that I believed God would do something for someone else, but not for me. Have you ever felt that way? I think I didn’t have faith in my faith!! It was when I learned to develop my faith and truly believe by reading His Word and believing it for myself that I began to be free from the fear and unbelief. I could have given up on my hydrangea plant and tossed it out, but I believed and finally, the reward is coming. Sometimes God brings about instantaneous results and other times, we may have to wait for years. But however long it takes, we can’t go wrong by using the time by building up our faith daily by reading His Word and believing He hears our prayers.

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