Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Reflections by the Sea © Betsy Ore Glass
October 14, 2009

If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! -Ecclesiastes 4:10 NIV

The definition of a dock is a place where vessels are moored. We certainly have plenty of docks on the Outer Banks. Marinas, neighborhood and residential docks dot the landscape and provide a safe place to tie up for those travelling on water. Mostly made of wooden planks and pilings that go deep below, some docks even sport benches where one can rest or watch the water traffic pass by. The main purpose of the dock however, is to have a place to bring a boat in for more supplies, rest or parking until the next time out.

If a dock is a place to stop, rest or park for boaters, I wonder if we have a place like that for ourselves. My first thought after God is finding refuge in friendship. There is nothing like a good friend to talk with. Friends often uplift and encourage us. They replenish our souls so we can get back to our lives with restored strength and enthusiasm. Sometimes we can become spiritually dry, and it takes a special Christian friend to offer us prayer and a good ear, if we need it. Maybe all that is required to get back on track is to have someone listen, pray and build us up. When we lose our compass and run aground, it is good if we have a friendship in place where we can go and set anchor for a bit. To have a good Christian friend is a blessing. To be a good Christian friend takes wisdom, time and God’s leading. You will know if you are one, if you do not pass judgement, listen well, invite God into your conversations, and offer prayer. A true friend is like an angel on earth, a gift from God.

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