Wednesday, July 21, 2010



Reflections by the Sea © Betsy Ore Glass
July 21, 2010

In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. -Proverbs 16:9

What to do with today? That is the question before us each morning. Decisions must be made each day. Big ones and little ones. Important ones and those that must be made just to get through the day. If you are on vacation, you have a multitude of things to do from going to the beach to sightseeing, fishing, climbing dunes and more. If you are going about your daily life, you are probably a creature of routine and like me, can get bored occasionally with the same things. God gives His Children free will. There is no reason to keep doing the mundane when we all, no matter what our age, our financial status or our health, can make decisions for ourselves. School kids on summer break, who are used to being taught and disciplined by teachers, often find difficulty getting self motivated. Being told what to do by teachers and parents, they forget how to think for themselves and miss out on a lot of summer creativity and fun. The same applies to older folks. They have done the same thing at the same time each day for so many years, they don’t think to rearrange their time and do something different to give their spirit a lift. Whatever decisions we make, it is important not to offend God with our choices. He allows us the free will to please ourselves and we can tailor many things we do to our personal likes and dislikes while staying obedient to Him.

Everyone has a plan. Every day matters and so does our life. God lets us live here because He has something for us to do. Everyone, at any age has been given gifts, abilities and 24 hours each day. It is up to us how we use what God gives us and how we can glorify Him at the end of the day. We strive to reach our goals but then we can get sidetracked because our circumstances or our surroundings have changed and we must change our plan. Being adaptable is good because sometimes when changes seem to “mess up our plan” it actually turns out for the best. Part of a plan is to have our list made, the priorities reviewed and our agenda mapped out. That is our part. Then the most important part is to lift it all up to God for His Review. If God agrees with us, He makes a way. He sets the path and He walks with us along our journey. We are never alone or left to our own. God stands besides us all the time.

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