Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Heat Wave

Heat Wave

Reflections by the Sea © Betsy Ore Glass
July 28, 2010

The Lord watches over you— the Lord is your shade at your right hand; -Psalm 121:5 (NIV)

The recent heat wave charted record heat as the thermometers have soared. Extremely hot weather can be dangerous, it is definitely unwelcomed and most definitely uncomfortable at the least! On those sweltering days, there doesn’t seem to be a respite from the heat. Swimming pools feel like bath water, umbrellas offer little shade, and trying to stay hydrated seems to be a full time job. Early morning walks on the beach can be the most pleasant time of the day, and a slight evening breeze can be cause for celebration. And yes, to pray that the air conditioning continues to work is something we can do!

We have a thermostat within us. Our temperature is regulated and most everyone’s is 98.6 degrees. If something is out of kilter, if we are sick, it may register higher. That is one of the first things that a medical professional will do to evaluate a patient is to take their temperature. When everything is “normal”, we feel fine. If not, our body reacts with a change in the temperature.

Did you ever stop to think that we have an emotional thermostat as well? If all is well, we are light-hearted, laugh easily, and we are good company for someone. Our mood is steady and neutral and we are at peace with everyone and everything. If we are having our own “heat wave”, if we are angry and worked up, it shows in our emotions and actions. We don’t mean to, but we can allow our bad mood, our frustration, our anger to spill over to spoil the mood for everyone else. A crowd of people can be affected by the actions of just one person. For instance, the boss comes in the office in a bad mood and everyone scatters. But a warm, friendly receptionist can be the first smile of the day and it sets the tone in the office. Not only can this principle apply at the office, it works for home, school and church.

It is within our power to become a godly thermostat wherever we go. We can choose to shake off anything unpleasant and walk into a room with a cheery hello, a compliment, offer a kindness, or give a smile. There are numerous things we can do. One person can make a difference. Sometimes all it takes is for one person to reflect the heart of God and the tide of the day will change.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010



Reflections by the Sea © Betsy Ore Glass
July 21, 2010

In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. -Proverbs 16:9

What to do with today? That is the question before us each morning. Decisions must be made each day. Big ones and little ones. Important ones and those that must be made just to get through the day. If you are on vacation, you have a multitude of things to do from going to the beach to sightseeing, fishing, climbing dunes and more. If you are going about your daily life, you are probably a creature of routine and like me, can get bored occasionally with the same things. God gives His Children free will. There is no reason to keep doing the mundane when we all, no matter what our age, our financial status or our health, can make decisions for ourselves. School kids on summer break, who are used to being taught and disciplined by teachers, often find difficulty getting self motivated. Being told what to do by teachers and parents, they forget how to think for themselves and miss out on a lot of summer creativity and fun. The same applies to older folks. They have done the same thing at the same time each day for so many years, they don’t think to rearrange their time and do something different to give their spirit a lift. Whatever decisions we make, it is important not to offend God with our choices. He allows us the free will to please ourselves and we can tailor many things we do to our personal likes and dislikes while staying obedient to Him.

Everyone has a plan. Every day matters and so does our life. God lets us live here because He has something for us to do. Everyone, at any age has been given gifts, abilities and 24 hours each day. It is up to us how we use what God gives us and how we can glorify Him at the end of the day. We strive to reach our goals but then we can get sidetracked because our circumstances or our surroundings have changed and we must change our plan. Being adaptable is good because sometimes when changes seem to “mess up our plan” it actually turns out for the best. Part of a plan is to have our list made, the priorities reviewed and our agenda mapped out. That is our part. Then the most important part is to lift it all up to God for His Review. If God agrees with us, He makes a way. He sets the path and He walks with us along our journey. We are never alone or left to our own. God stands besides us all the time.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

"Second Chance" Garden

"Second Chance" Garden

Reflections by the Sea © Betsy Ore Glass
July 14, 2010

As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease. Genesis 8:22 NIV

This year I decided to subscribe to the saying, “Bloom where you are planted”. There are a few things about my life I wish I could change. Some things are within my control and some things are not. But I determined that there is good in every situation and I should not miss an ounce of it. We are seven months into the year and I have been pleased with my progress. I have tried new things, enrolled in a class that interests me, become more conscientious about taking better care of my body and losing some unwanted pounds. There is just something spiritual about watching plants and flowers grow. So we decided the tackle a backyard garden. I researched books and seed catalogs, talked to other backyard “farmers” and decided it was something I could do. Herbs, okra, tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers were planted and it seemed we had enough for not only our dinner table but for the neighbors, too. What a great feeling of accomplishment and to enjoy the generosity of sharing with others! Our intentions were good and honorable but then something went terribly wrong. Downpours of summer rain flooded our garden and disease set in quickly. I couldn’t bear to watch our garden slowly die so there was only one thing to do, we pulled it all up. We may be inexperienced but we are not quitters! Hopefully our persistence will pay off. We were able to find a few remaining vegetable plants still healthy at the garden center that needed a home. We planted them in large well draining containers where we can move the tender plants in and out of the intense sun and any more deluges of rain when necessary. We are calling this our “Second Chance Garden”. What is the lesson? To keep trying. Not to give up. Go for another chance at success. If we don’t cultivate there is no harvest. If we planted absolutely nothing, we would have nothing in the end. It is that way in life.

It is biblical about the parable of sowing and reaping. It isn’t enough to want something and simply pray for it and expect God to do all the work. He gives us time, talents, skills, abilities, wisdom and common sense. Those are our tools. He also gives us desires and wants. We can take the tools He gives us and we work our life like it was soil. We should be careful about the seeds we let take root in our life. Meaning, keep things in our life good and pure, honest and with good intentions. If we water our seed regularly which translates into daily prayer, then we can expect, no, we should expect to see sprouts coming out of the ground and before long a true harvest springs forth. Whatever we are hoping for, we should search our heart and seek God’s direction and make sure we are doing our part to plant the seeds for the abundant harvest we desire. If whatever we have been doing is unsuccessful or has failed, we must find another way. There is an old proverb that says, “I dreamed a thousand new paths... I woke and walked my old one.” That doesn’t have to be us. God will bring us ideas and creativity so we can truly “bloom where we are planted”… even if it takes a second planting to get it just right!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Pea Island

Pea Island

Reflections by the Sea © Betsy Ore Glass
July 07, 2010

The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. - Psalm 18:2 NIV

The Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge could also be called paradise. The refuge was established in 1937. It is one of the few places on the Outer Banks that appears untouched by man. The natural beauty of the changing dunes, grasses and vegetation is the perfect setting for the many ponds, flats and marshes found throughout this 13 mile stretch of land. With over 5,800 land acres, it is located north of Hatteras Island and 10 miles south of Nags Head. This is home to approximately 365 bird species. To be able to enjoy Pea Island today and all its inhabitants, we are grateful to those that had a vision many years ago to preserve this area for years to come

The beautiful beaches and serenity has always made Pea Island a favorite place for our family. A place to soul-search and be still. The beaches are perfect for long walks. It is important for each of us to have a special place to go. It is when we are quiet that we can hear God’s voice on the inside of us. He recharges us and breathes new life into us. When we become stale and stagnant, He gives us a push and guides us. He uses our times of solitude, meditation and worship as an opportunity to reveal things to us. Pea Island is a perfect place to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life to take time to enjoy the beauty He has surrounded us with. With just the sound of a distant bird, the ocean waves lapping the shore and the coolness of a summer breeze, Pea Island can be a refuge for us too!