Thursday, July 5, 2012

A Day At The Beach

A Day At The Beach
Reflections by the Sea © Betsy Glass
July 05, 2012

Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble. –1 Peter 3:8 NIV

Recently, I dedicated one entire day just to sit by the sea and observe my surroundings. Amazing! The sky was clear blue with lots of cottony clouds. Sea gulls were riding the air currents and many Pelicans traveled south in V- formations. The ocean was deep blue in the distance. The wind blew waves onshore with a pounding crash every few seconds. The sea oats that have turned a rich golden-color, swayed back and forth in the breeze. Some sea oats hung down to the ground, evidence of prior storms that had beaten them low. Children squealed with excitement and surprise when the cold ocean water touched their tender feet. Grownups clustered under umbrellas and tents to keep the hot summer sun at bay. Surf casters kept a curious eye on the angler’s at the nearby pier. The smell of salt air was heavy, as I sat in the shade in my chair, watching the day unfold around me. I lost track of time, as I watched this scene play over and over, all day long.
Spending time at the beach, you can’t help but observe the harmonious way that nature exists together. While it is true that storms come and turn the peaceful shore and its habitants upside down for a short time, nature has a resilient way of getting back on its feet. It is reflective of a wonderful, natural balance. It’s God’s Greatness in action.

Harmony is defined as ‘compatibility in opinion and action’. It’s the result of a happy agreement. Things are tranquil and calm. Sometimes living in harmony outside of nature doesn’t seem to come as easy for some of us, as it does for the birds and other critters that live by the sea. Families and friends that live in harmony listen to one another. There is no un- godly talk that exists. They don’t assume the worst in each other. Where there is harmony, there is no room for accusing spirits. Wisdom and knowledge are shared with affection and received with appreciation. We can look around us at the beach and see His Greatness everywhere. Let us invite His Greatness into our hearts and homes and specifically ask for the godly gift of harmony

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